
lundi 17 août 2015

Back from... never mind, home sweet home!


Back from holidays, and back to work (back pain too, but that's another topic entierly)!
Lady Mona and I came back from London Friday morning. we had hald a day  to empy our luggage and pack another suit case to leave for my Almost-Evil-Twin's place in Le Mans.
Once again, I was traveling with the gorgeous and oh so marvelous Lady Mona, (who happens to be my Almost-Evil-Twin's girlfriend). Let's be honnest, we were already dead tired from the night of journey (Coach, ferry, coach again) and the ordeal of bringing all our shopping back to our respective flats left us even more exhausted. (my suitcase weighted more than Me ans I had another bag with the blankets and shoes that couldn't fit in the suitcase) (I bought books, shoes and blankets, mainly, which are both heavy and cumbersome.) But we made it to the train station, early friday afternoon for our next journey!
I almost died twice between getting back to my flat and leaving it again, but I miraculously survived the tiredness, the luggage (emptied/repacked), and the incredible amount of small things I had to do.

After London's grey sky and rain, we welcomed Paris' sun and dressed for the season: Nice and short dress for the Lady, and mini shorts for me.
Karma being a bitch, it obviously rained in Le Mans when we arrived!
Then yesterday, late afternoon, I was back to the station to get back to Paris, this time I travelled alone and almost died of cold (SNCF has a weird sens of how air conditioning should be used).
I finally arrived at my place around 21h30! Time for paperwork to prepare my appointment at the Chinese visa center in Paris.
I emptied my suit case but couldn't find the strengh to put it back in the closet. I have been living with an open-suitcase in my bedroom for month! Which on the long run is a bit depressing actually. I don't know when was the last time I could finally settle for more than a few days.

I am happy to move and see many people. The feeling of Living. Enjoying as many things as possible, but I miss having time for myself. Those last month, it mainly happened while I wasn't even at my place. Someone had to almost force some free time into my agenda for me to take naps and read and do nothing in order to avoid a mass murder. (Couldn't thank the Sweet Monster enough for that. I'd have gone mad without those quiet moments)
I don't even know where I'll be next saturday/sunday. (3 possibilities for the moment, and only one implies me staying homesaturday and going to an event sunday)
Long story short: I'm exhasted and want to crawl under my blanket and sleep for several days!

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