
vendredi 8 septembre 2017

When is it too much?
"People like you don't bend"
When is it okay to stop?
When is it honourable to stop?
"People like you, they just break"
Live everything and try everything.
If not me, then who?
"They go further than anyone"
I refuse to give up.
To be one of the grey silhouettes
"Until one day"
I don't want to be anyone.
I don't want to be plain.
"One day, out of nowhere,"
Work, study, create, exercise, love,
Do. For this is what people notice.
"They just crumble to dust
The spark is gone
There is no more air to be breathed,
No more fire in their blood
They just stop. They fall"

I am tired.
And it gets scary.

Stuck in a book

I fell in a crack in a book. I read it in an afternoon.
It had been a long time since I last fell so deep in a book. I forgot about time and I realised it only when my evil twin came home.
I finishe the book and ran to the bookshp to get the next one.

I can't focus on the world around me, still jalf stuck in this world made of word. I feel grey and slightly sticky, cramped. I feel like I was hit by a car, by a gigantic wave or slap that left me stuned.
My mood is sad and happy and exited and full of nostalgia. And at the same time, I feel numb.