
lundi 29 octobre 2018

The other side of the world

I am in Thailand and I love every minute of it.
I love the gigantic skyscrapers, titanic towers of steel and glass.
I love the palaces and temples, shinning and colourful.
I love the ruins, both forgotten and very much alive.
I love the blue sky and the storms.
I love the skyline and the small details.

jeudi 25 octobre 2018

In good company

Travelling alone has such a special taste to it. It takes good feet and thick skin. Getting lost, talking to strangers, trusting your guts.
I used to be scared of travelling alone. It made me uneasy. Not because I didn't feel safe, but because I felt like I didn't belong. Like I was a trespasser. I felt exposed and out-of-place.
I guess I never really liked my own company. Same way I never like to hear my own voice.
I don't know when it changed. It must have been subtle.
I first noticed that the dread of spending a day by myself somewhere I didn't know had lessened when I visited a friend in Birmingham last summer. She was working all day long so I was on my own. I had plenty of empty hours to fill. And I made do.
I found places to visit, Museums to get lost in, Movies I could go to. I made a list of things I could do and off I went. I wandered around the city, walking, gorging myself with the small details of the city. The light in the trees, the skyline, facades and window sills decorations.
Once I had a plan, I got on with it and the unease left.
I guess that's just that: I only needed a plan. No matter how imprecise and incomplete.

Here, the challenge is bigger, because I can't speak the language. But I marvel at the resourcefulness it brings out in me. The quick thinking, and gut-trusting.
A good sense of direction, a vague idea of what I want to do, a list to check and a good pair of shoes. That's all I need in the end.
The awkwardness hasn't entirely disappeared but I'm slowly discovering how to change it into a sense of challenge. The same way being afraid of everything made me bold.
I slowly get to see how I can be a good travelling companion to myself.

Because I am alone with myself, I can take in everything. My attention is undivided.
I take it all in.
The sounds, the sights, the smells, the way my feet move on the uneven ground, the way the shade is a relief. I devour the world and feed it to my inner-world, so that later, when I'm lost in the triviality of daily life, I can dive in and find solace in the memories. So that it can slowly decay and turn into fertile ground for new stories. New pictures. New adventures.

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Inktober - Day 21 "drain"

Among the clouds

Watching the world far below
Cities like orange spiderwebs,
Shining in an ocean of ink.

On the horizon clouds have amassed,
Castles and Fortresses, high and wide,
They rage war against each other,
Light flashing in the night.

Now the sky is clear,
Stars are innumerable.
An infinite number of jewels
sparkling a universe away.

Far ahead the sky is changing,
Red, Orange, Yellow,
Impossible hues of blue

The sun is approaching,
Conquering the night.
It is only a star among millions,
but here, it rules like a god over them all.

mercredi 3 octobre 2018

The smell of depression.

Depression has a smell,
cold cigarette and coffee
sweat and sadness.
I watch him walk and talk and I can see him,
grey and blue and green.
I can see the cracks.
I can see the stains.
I am too much of a stranger to tell him,
but I see him and I know.
I may have some sympathy for him.
Depression has a smell and I could never forget it,
This is a smell of the living that is already dead.
They just don't know it yet.
I could never forget this smell.
I wonder what happened to that boy after I left.
I have remorse.

Depression has a smell,
and there is nothing more I can do.

lundi 1 octobre 2018

Inktober - Day 1

One of my new year resolutions was to learn how to draw. Or at least to improve.
So I decided to kick myself into trying to follow the Inktober challenge.
One drawing a day.
I'll post those I like.