
mercredi 23 mai 2018

"When I first met you"


"I didn't like you
You did too many things,
you had too many passions,
you spoke too many languages.
You shone too bright."

jeudi 17 mai 2018

A girl's lips

There's a softness to a girl's lips,
a kind of rightness,
a kind of obviousness.

There's hunger clawing deep down.
The knowledge that this is what I am,
where I belong.

It blooms,
it sparks
and flares like a light house in the night.

2 years

I've been back for two years and I can feel the strain already.
A two years cycle.
I am running forward.
From what? I don't dare looking over my shoulder.
A two years cycle.

My joints are rusting,
my feet are sinking and I fear I'm going to suffocate.
The world is closing up, trapping me.

I can feel the restlessness grow.
The need for more,
for adventure, for novelty, for adrenaline.

I've never know how to settle down.
Not for long anyway.
It never works.

I feel the wind in my hair.
The air in my lungs.
I need to run. I need to flee.

vendredi 11 mai 2018

Something I'd like to film one day

Iron – Woodkid

Black and white.

On the sound of a waving flag : middle shot : A ballerina is sitting on the floor of a dance studio. she is putting on her pointe shoes, her hair in a bun. she is wearing a training suit. dark leotard and dark tights

close shot on her foot and her hands.
Middle shot: she stand up, puts her right foot on the shoe, and then the other.  Stands on pointes in first position, her arms in preparation, and lowers her head / looks down.
Close shot on her face, her eyes are closed, she takes a breathe.

Long shot on the first trumpets - slow motion: The ballerina raises her head.
Close shot on the face, she looks straight at the camera, she is determined.
Camera moves back - full shot : She stands on her pointes and walks and stops herself on the middle of the room, her feet in fifth position, arms in preparation.

Second trumpets : on the crescendo : Middle Shot: she makes a reverence: half fold, she opens her arms in second position
on the decrescendo: she stands and bring back her arm in preparation.
On the drums: she starts to dance. Her pointes on the floor correspond to the rhythm of the drums.

"Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away"
Close shot on the ballerina’s face. She wears make up and her hair is perfectly combed into a strict bun. her tiara shines and sparkles. We understand she is on stage. Her face is lightened by spotlights. She looks at the audience. shoulders back, head straigh, chin up.

Long shot of the audience.
Close shot : she closes her eyes.
flash: a panorama of an ocean:
Close shot, she opens her eyes.
Long shot of the audience - old opera house seats. the room is full.

"Where innocence’s burn in flames"
Close shot on a hand who puts a lighter on, and another bring a piece of ribbon to make it melt.

"A million miles from home, I’m walking ahead"
Long shot: we see a young girl walking alone in a path. It’s snowing, everything is white around her. The camera is far behind her, we see her back as she crosses the huge iron gate.
camera moves forward to follow In front of her there is a huge and old and dark building in which is written “National Ballet Academy”. the camera stops at the gate, unable to move forward as she stares at the building.

"I’m frozen to the bones, I am"
Close shot on the young girl’s face: her breath makes steam. She looks defiant.

“A soldier on my own, I don’t know the way.”
Long shot: We see the young girl in the middle of a dancing class; she looks scared and lost in the exercise. surrounded by other girls. the all wear the same white outfit and move in perfect unison.

“I’m riding up the heights of shame “
Middle shot: The young girl is sitting on her bed, crying.
“I’m waiting for the call, the hands on the chest.”
Middle shot: The ballerina is in backstage, waiting for her entrance. She looks stressed, moving her feet, climbing on a pointe and the other, her arms crossed on the chest. Her head is low.

"I’m ready for the fight and fate"
Close shot on her face; she raises her head and looks straight at the camera.

Music : She enters on the stage. chassé, grand jeté. dancing. Shot altering: The camera is at the edge of the stage as she lands and pauses.
forward to an american shot, then follows her movements.

“The sound of iron shocks is stuck in my head:”
Close shot , slow motion on the teacher ‘s stick hitting the floor with the tip of her cane to mark the tempo, raising a cloud of white dust.
“The thunder of the drums dictates”
Close shot on her old hands, clapping on rhythm.

“The rhythm of the falls, the number of deads”
Long shot: The girl in training suit is trying to make a spin, but falls, once, twice, three times.
Close up on her face as she falls again.

“The rising of the horns, ahead.”
Close shot : We see the face of an old and thin woman, a ballet teacher. She is shouting something in slow motion.
“From the dawn of time to the end of days,
I will have to run, away”
Long shot: we see the young ballerina, training in the empty studio, dancing. older than the girl in front of the door. teen?

"I want to feel the pain and the bitter taste:"
We see the ballerina in the backstage just before her entrance , she is wearing a white tutu, sparkling with jems.
"Of the blood on my lips, again"
Close shot on her mouth. She is bitting her lips, stressed out. dark lipstic, white skin, white teeth. younger than in the first shot. Late teen.

Music : The ballerina is alone on the stage, dancing under the spotlight. all grace and strength.

“This deadly burst of snow is burning my hands”
Medium shot: the young girl is in front of the door of the Ballet school. The camera is on her back. Everything around her is white because of the snow. the camera moves back, the iron gate appears again.

“I’m frozen to the bones, I am”
Close shot:  The young girl puts her woollen hat on her head and claps her hands to fight against the cold.

“A million mile from home, I’m walking ahead”
Very long shot: we see the young girl in front of the building, she seems terribly small, in front of the huge building. the huge closed doors. She walks up the stairs and pushes the door.

«  I can’t remember your eyes, your face.”
Close shot on the ballerina’s face. She closes her eyes.
flash. Long shot of the black gate of the Ballet school, a thirty years old woman is standing, saying goodbye, waving her hand.

Music: The ballerina is dancing on the stage, alone. We see her from the back of the stage, with the audience in the background, dark. She is all in white, bathed in light. contrasts with the audience
When the flute starts, the camera starts to follow the ballerina, following her movement, as if the camera was her dancing partner. close to her. torso, hands, neck, head.

When the flute stops, the ballerina stops, make a slow reverence and lowers her head.

Long shot on the audience who is stanging, applausing, her.

End of the music, Close-up on the ballerina’s face. She raises her head to the light and smiles. triumphant.

mercredi 9 mai 2018

Travel through time

How did I get here? Blue sky above. I can feel the sin on my skin.
 The train races and the stone walls zoom by. Moss and trees.
It smells of earth and summer. Where am I?

The tracks run forward, but I don't know where.
I can't remember. There's something missing.

A bridge.
A short tunnel and something else behind.
Something stirs inside me. 

Darkness ahead. Sweat runs down my spine.
I don't want to go.
We shouldn't go.
we mustn't go.

The noise is deafening. My hair lashes across my face.
There's light and there's darkness.
I can see things move at the corner or my eyes.

The lights are fading. my heart beats against my ribcage.
I can hear them come.
I can only make out their shapes in the shadow.

Light at the end of the tunnel,
but I do not dare to hope.
Please let it be true.

I can hear them howl behind me but the train keeps going.
Please, let it be the outside.
Oh please, let me get out of it alive.

I can taste the open air,
The light is blinding.
I brace myself.


We are out. I am safe.
The train races ahead, leaving the darkness behind.
I can hear them howl, hungry and furious.


 The train races and the stone walls zoom by. Moss and trees.
It smells of earth and summer. Blue sky above. I can feel the sin on my skin.

How did I get here?
Where am I?

mercredi 2 mai 2018

a preview of something I'll be working on soon:

My hand were too hot. I could feel the heat sip out of them along my legs. I was tired and I was having a hard time concealing my abilities. It was past time I got home.
The train was full and I felt crushed by the people around me.
All I wanted was to get home and to relax. The day had been too long and terribly tiring.
My nerves were crumbling down and I found myself upset: I should have left earlier.

I ran the last meters to my building and climbed the steps two at a time.
My hands were shaking now and I got scared of to melting down the keys: there were red and glowing in my hands.

One lock. A second lock. I pushed the wood panel with my shoulder.

I slammed the door closed behing me with a kick and ran to the bathroom. I abandoned my bag and coat on the floor and got under the shower all dressed. I needed to cool down.
I felt the stones I had disposed in the room suck the power from me.

The running water helped. It dismissed energy.

It took me fifteen minutes under the cold spray to calm down and to get my powers under control again. I took off my clothes and stayed in the tub.
I let my mind wander.

mardi 1 mai 2018

The battle of Hogwarts

Twenty years ago the battle of Hogwarts started.
It would see countless death.
Lives interrupted too early.
Lives that should have been lived.
It would see bravery, greatness and love triumph over petty desires.
It would see heroes rise and fall,
only to rise again and stand at the end.
And with the sun rise, a new age was born.