
jeudi 24 septembre 2015

Registration and Administration paperwork #2

Episode 1 - The Medical Examination

Okay, so in order to get my Resident Permit, I had to pass a medical examination.
Lea being outside the city for the week-end, I had to go there by myself. Huge stress. So instead, I have been a monster and asked Carine to come with me. (yes, I needed moral support)
getting there was surprisingly easy, and to my biggest pleasure, people spoke English at the hospital! (so I felt bad for bringing Carine with me. she could have used her morning for something else...)
I got all the papers and started to follow the list of exams I had to pass.
First one: Blood Test!
Yeah, before anything else, they take a blood sample. I was not prepared for that. I had slept 3 hours, and my last meal had been some 24 hours earlier or so, and on a more general scale, I have anemia.
So... I almost fainted (how not surprising!) and I didn't feel guilty for bringing Carine anymore. we sat for a moment, while I ate a cookie and drank some tea to get myself together. I was shaky and sweaty and earth was slowly moving under my feet, but I didn't lose consciousness and I made it through the rest of the medical exam.
Second one: Measuring my tension.
Right after a blood sample?! You serious? How dumb is that?!
Third one: Height, weight and body mass index.
The nurse looked bored, then stared at me when she got the result. Yes, I'm tall, and skinny, I can hear you judging me, m'am.
Fourth: Sight test
- should I pass the test with or without my glasses?
- without.
after the test:
- you need glasses
- No shit Sherlock!

and some other tests, like an x-ray (the machine worked, but I hope they thought about changing the parameters, because I really have thin bones. If you want a clear picture, you really need to check), an electro-cardiogram, and I was out.
They were surprisingly efficient and direct. some really cool, some barely polite, but at the end they handed me a paper telling me to come back monday afternoon to get my results and the certificate for the resident permit!

Youhou! One thing done!
Next step, the Police station registration!

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