
mardi 16 juin 2015

Hit the book

There are so many things to study and to learn.
And looking crazy is not really a problem. I like crazy.
I grew in a strange familly. One of it's best side was that we were encouraged to try and learn as many things as we wanted.
If we (Me and my sibblings) liked something, our parents would find a way to help us.
You like to draw? Why don't you take classes?
You like to read? Here is a library card, go grab some books.
You like music? What about learning more about it? play an instrument?
 My mother would bring us to museums every so and then, We didn't really enjoyed this at the time, but I got to discover lots of famous painters, sculptors, artists. I didn't always liked them, but at least I know who they are.
I was lucky, My parents could afford family holidays during which we travelled, through and out of the country. We went to many very different places. we learnt more about  their history, geography, arts, everything available. Museums, historical monuments and hicking, that was the usual program.

I learnt that I don't know everything. In fact I learnt that I don't know anything untill I actually studied it.
I grew up to be curious, to enjoy learning new things.

Then I moved, left the family and joined another one.
There it was a bit different: I got to study more. It was less about cultural exhibitions, and more about actually studying.
I got to study as many things as I wanted, related to what I was doing in hightchool or not.
Some classes from medical school, some philosophy, physics, history, biology. psychology, anthropology. You name it.
I also learnt many languages too. I couldn't talk, but understanding was the basis. We were all able to speak many languages and the game was to understand everything.
There were also all sorts of practical knowledge I got to learn. Played another instrument, different sports and activities.
It was all about learning. A day during which I hadn't learn something was a wasted day.
But Studying was a serious business. If I wanted to be accounted for what my knowledge, I had to earn it.
Through books, through classes.
I had to proove that it was not only showing off, but actual knowledge.
They'd try me through discutions, and debates, pushing me as much as they could, to make connections between the things I knew, to learn always more, to go deeper.. It was challenging and exciting. I was the dumbest in the room, and I got to learn a lot. They never diminished what I had learnt and were very supportive about making progress.

I left them too.
I never stopped studying, trying to learn everything, to live by their standards.
But I miss it. The long debates, learning and sharing.
I miss those challenging talks. I miss learning from others.
So whenever I can, I talk, I debate. An opinion is only as good as you've built it through debating, compared it to others'.
I'm happy I met new people I can share that with. Some crazy folk who share my thirst for knowledge. It's only too rare.

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