
dimanche 2 décembre 2018


Grit is to dive straight into work after finishing a challenge.
Grit is to look at the backlog and pull up your sleeves.
Grit is to say good bye early to your friends to get on with whatever need to be done.

To make no excuse and refuse to give in to despair.
To keep your head down and refuse to take the easy way.

To refuse the limitations set by others
To refuse to listen to their voices saying it is impossible.
It is not impossible. It's just hard.

I've comme to realise that This is probably one of the traits I like about myself. This ability to look at difficulties and see a challenge. No matter how daunting the task.
Problems are just mountains to be conquered and countries to explore.

I want my biography to be long and complicated. Full of adventures and projects and things I built and did. Sometimes people say they don't understand how I do all the stuff I do. But there is nothing to wonder about really. I just worked. I toil, I cry, I rant, but I do it anyway.

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