
lundi 31 décembre 2018

Good Bye 2018

We are saying goodbye to 2018. It's been such a long and full year.
I had taken a bunch of good resolution and I guess it is time to see how far I've come.
In 2018 I did not get any new degree but I did pass all my exams, leaving me with only my internship, thesis and a couple of papers to hand to get my degree.
I read 48 books, not counting comics and among them were wonderful discoveries for which I must thank my friends. I am still not over Carry on, or Six of Crows. I loved A Darker Shade of Magic. I've discovered with immense pleasure that diversity is now a thing in literature. Thanks Those-Two-Front-Row-Nerds for this.
I read some feminist novels such as the The Power and got to educate myself further. Thanks My-Weird-Sister for this.
This year, I finished the second draft of my novel and it feels like an accomplishment in itself. That story had been haunting me for a while and it now feels like I can finally move on and write something new. Thanks to That-Blond-Gryffindor-Kid for having been such a cheerleader for this project. Hope you'll like it.
I wanted to open my very own Etsy Shop to sell out all those stuff I make but don't know what to do with, which I did, but did not really do anything of it so that will be a work in progress.
I worked on my drawing skills and finished the Inktober, and I am kind of proud of it. I'll try to keep at it. I'd like to really develop my universe a bit.
I finally kicked myself into signing up for a contemporary dance class and I am so glad I did! It takes me out of my confort zone but God, I love it! Thanks That-Quiet-Girl for motivating me without knowing it.
I travelled quite a bit this year. We went to Switzerland several times, to ski or to visit my in-laws.
I went to London with My-Weird-Sister for my birthday, and to Birmingham in the summer to visit That-Girl-I-met-in-Bucarest. (and God I was happy to see her again and test our friendship. She is a treasure.)
I visited Latvia in the summer and Budapest in the winter with My-Lovely-Monster and My-Sister-That-Nerd.
I went to Barcelona as Mrs C, the English Teacher.
I went to Thailand to visit LEAAAAA, and I discovered that travelling by myself wasn't so bad.
I was at my friends' side when they got married and saw couples form and break down. I got closer to some people and farther from others.
I faced my very own nightmare and spent a weekend with my aggressor and still mamaged to live to tell the tale, managed to stand tall, to walk with my head high and enjoy myself. I think that was one of my biggest victories this year. I shall not let this dictate my life anymore. I've proved it to myself.
I got to get out of my confort zone and try new things.

Everything considered, It has been quite an interesting year. hard on my nerves but enlightening.
I've hurt, I've felt hollow and caving in, but I've also felt fuller and more inhabited.
I am slowly getting to know myself and my body.

Some people seem to walk through life, having everything figured out and never doubting anything.
I don't.
I've fallen quite a few times. I've gone through some tragedies. I have been hurt and I have been abused.
And yet I am here.
I don't have everything sorted out, but I am going in the right direction, heading down my own path.

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