
jeudi 14 novembre 2013

Nanowrimo, or how to die of a writting overdose

I am a nanowritter
that has nothing to do with nanotechnologies or any smally-small thing:
The NanoWrimo is the National Nover Writing Month.
well, it is intenational but Ianowrimo doesn't sound as cool as Nanowrimo does.
It is a writting challenge: Write 50 000 word in one and only month. (which implies a daily ratio of 1667 word a day.)

No matter the style, the language or the litterrary genre. You only have to write 50 000 damn words.

The first year, I gave up before the 25 000 words. But last year, I made it! I wrote 65000 word in a month, and that was only the begining. It finaly became a novel, counting 148 pages (127 words

I'm probably going to die of exhaution.

Let's face it.
I'm too busy.
I mean waaaaaaaaay too busy: there's my job, and my master degree, and my bachelor degree, and I'm writing a novel, and I take rhythmic gymnastics classe twice a week, and ballet class once a week.

I love to be active, but I must admit that there are day when the morning alarm feels like it wants me dead.
Like this morning! I didnt stay up late at night yesterday. I was under the blanquet just a few minutes past midnight. and this morning, when the alarm started to ring (at 6:50) I thought i only had slept a couple of hours!
How is it possible?! I mean, If there is one thing I don't mess up with, it's sleeping.
I've suffered of terrible insomnias for so many years that now that I'm able to sleep, I sleep every night, and never less than 6 hours.
But these days, even 7 hours are not enough. I feel like and old rag.

I'm sort of a control freak. I rule my days like a tyran to be sure that every minute I'm awake is efficiently used. I don't like to feel useless.
But God! How am I supposed to be all active and smilling if I feel like I'm going to fell asleep on my keyboars!

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