
vendredi 23 septembre 2016

Dancing again.

I started taking ballet classes again! The Rhythmic Gymnastics Club I used to go to is just too far from home now, so I decided to switch to ballet completely. I missed dancing. Gymnastics has been a major element in my life. But after leaving the club for a year, I had trouble imagining myself going back to the same team and atmosphere. So instead ballet. I am currently taking two classes a week. It feels a bit too light, but I have a lot on my plate this year so Hadrien suggested that maybe I shouldn't cram too many things in my time table. And I followed his advice. Maybe I'll take more classes if I graduate from my master degree.
It feels good to sweat a bit, to dance. It helps being more aware and more conscious of my body.
Practicing a sport also helps forcing me to be organised and to manage my time-table efficiently. Less lazing around on the coach and more actual "getting things done".
I am a bit self conscious but I guess it will get better with time and practice.
So here I am, back to my super busy life. I love it.

The classes are nice. The teacher is an unapologetic hippy with sort of a new methode to teach ballet in a more efficient way. It sounds very new age but actually works so I am not going to complain. No more bare. That's quite a change.
Soon I'll be all fit and gracious!

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