
lundi 26 septembre 2016

Be amazed

Every morning, I take the tram to go to work. I take it so early that the sun is rising when we get out of the tunels.
I've always enjoyed it. Watching the sun rise. Feelling the first rays of light on my face. Looking at all the colours in the sky, on the clouds. It feels like a privilege. I often close my book to admire it. I feel joy and peace and a subtle pride. I saw the sun rise again.
I did that with my previous job. I could see the sun rise on Paris. Some people pay a exorbitant price to have a flat with such a view. The golden glow of the first lights on the sea of small roofs. The bright reflection on so many windows as we drove through the parisian suburb.
There aren't many people to take a moment to enjoy such the sight. Mostly they are absorbed in their thoughts and innerworld
I was also told that for an adult it was surprising to be so amazed by simething so trivial, or that sometimes people might look up, but since the take the same route every day, it loses its beauty. But to me it never did. Every morning is different. The clouds, the sky, the wind, the way the light plays in the branches of a tree.
I am forever a kid who is amazed by the little miracles of life.

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