
mardi 24 mars 2020

On staying home

Due to the spread of the Corona Virus, my school (and every school in the country) has been shut down until further notice.
This came as a shock to everybody, but I guess especially to me. I don't follow the news much so I didn't know how bad it was. I followed what was happening in Wuhan because of my friends there but otherwise, I rarely know what's happening in the country I live in.
It was eerie going to work on Friday, not knowing when I'll be back. I took everything I thought I would need to teach from home. I tried to prepare the students to the best of my abilities, to give them tips and ideas. And then the bell rang and I went home.
And now I am home.
My gym has closed, my dance classes have been cancelled so I have no reason to go out.
And... It's a relief.
I mean.... I kind of love my life at the moment.
I don't have to wake up at ungodly hours to commute, I can still teach and I finally have time to focus on the million of project that I never have time for.
Being forbidden from going outside has lifted the usual guilt I have when staying home.
The feeling that I should be doing something that matters. Seeing friends, exploring the world, making new experiences, making memories.
I am an introvert at heart, though I may be very out going for an introvert. Socializing is costly and usually born off a feeling of guilt and shame.
The lock down feels like a relief. A welcome moment out of time, a parenthesis where I can rest and grow.
Knit and sew and study. Maybe write. Maybe read.
And rest.
It feels like casting off a weight I didn't know I carried.

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